Cripple Creek Backcountry Blog

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How to Choose a Bike Tire - Basalt Bike and Ski

How to Choose a Bike Tire

Your Guide to Mountain, Gravel and Road Tires Tires: you can’t ride a bike without them and a bike rides much better when you’ve got the right ones. Bike tires...
Manasseh Franklin
E-Bike Rebates in the Roaring Fork Valley and Colorado - Basalt Bike and Ski

E-Bike Rebates in the Roaring Fork Valley and Colorado

Electrify your ride with these rebate programs Imagine if you could replace your daily car commute with a sweat-free ride on a pedal assist e-bike. Or, if your bike trip...
Manasseh Franklin
Value Bikes That Go Above and Beyond - Basalt Bike and Ski

Value Bikes That Go Above and Beyond

You don't need to empty the bank account in order to ride the latest and greatest in components, suspension technology, and frame materials. Here are our top picks for mountain, road, gravel, and hybrid bikes that perform above and beyond their price tags.
Manasseh Franklin
How to Choose a Gravel Bike - Basalt Bike and Ski

How to Choose a Gravel Bike

If you've heard of gravel riding but haven't yet tried it, you might be wondering: what's the big deal? Can't I just ride my road bike on rougher surfaces? Road...
Manasseh Franklin
How to Choose an E-Bike - Basalt Bike and Ski

How to Choose an E-Bike

With more e-bikes to choose from than ever before, how do you know which one is best for you? From e-mountain bikes, to e-road bikes, active e-bikes and everything in between, our handy five-step guide breaks down the information you need to buy your first (or next) e-bike.
Manasseh Franklin
Where to E-Bike in the Roaring Fork Valley - Basalt Bike and Ski

Where to E-Bike in the Roaring Fork Valley

From Aspen to Carbondale, Glenwood Canyon and everywhere in between, here are seven e-bike rides to do in the Roaring Fork Valley this summer.
Doug Stenclik
How to Choose a Mountain Bike - Basalt Bike and Ski

How to Choose a Mountain Bike

With more mountain bikes to choose from than ever before, it can be tough to know which one is right for you. Whether you want to pedal quickly over rolling terrain, bomb down features at your local bike park, toe a Cross Country or Enduro start line, or all of the above, use this guide to help you decide.
Manasseh Franklin
Early Season Pre-ride Checklist - Basalt Bike and Ski

Early Season Pre-ride Checklist

Nothing crushes early season stoke like a mechanical on day one. Before you launch into the mountain bike season, run through our top to bottom Pre-Ride Checklist to make sure your bike is ready to roll.
Doug Stenclik