The Colorado 14ers, 4th Edition


6 in stock
* Color maps of the standard routes
* A portable format that fits the pocket or pack
* The most beta on the 14ers for the least amount of money

The newest edition of the Colorado 14ers is a major upgrade! This pack guide now features 45 high-quality topographic maps with the latest data from the Colorado Fourteener Initiative. A truly portable guidebook, this is the 11th Essential for anyone climbing the 54 highest peaks in Colorado.

Over half-a-million climbers attempt to climb at least one of the Colorado 14ers every summer.

The Colorado 14ers Pack Guide measures 4 x 7 inches and weighs less than 5 ounces. In this portable book format, each description includes clear, concise directions for driving to the trailhead, where to park, a route description, a map of the route, difficulty rating, elevation gain, round-trip distance, estimated time to the summit and back, the nearest town, and the name and number of the agency responsible for the trail.

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