The Pomoca Free Pro 2.0 V2 Climbing Skins are made specifically for freeride skiers (but don't let that limit how you use these high-performance skins). They're the lightest of the Pomoca mohair/nylon mix skins (weighing in at 1.125 g/cm2) due to their thinner than usual plush. This helps save weight for larger-than-average freeride skis while touring uphill. The 70% mohair / 30% nylon plush provides a sweet balance between grip (46g/cm2) and glide (200 kcal/h). In comparison: these skins have a better grip than the Climb 2.0 and a better glide than the Climb Pro S-Glide.
This is the highest performing mohair/nylon skin from Pomoca, which comes at the price of being slightly less durable (due to its thin plush). And even better is the fact that for 20/21, this skin has the updated [and more robust] V2 tip and tail attachment hardware. If you're looking for the absolute zenith in climbing skin performance - go with the Free Pro 2.0. They are light on your feet, fast on the skin track, and loud with their hot pink plush.